アッラーはどんな御方? Who is Allah?【日本語訳あり】
アッラーはどんな御方? Who is Allah?【日本語訳あり】

販売価格: 900円
This lays the foundation on which greater understanding can be built and learning enriched as young students grow older. And, whatever our age, reviewing the basics in this way can be very beneficial, in that it re-kindles our awareness and glad acceptance of the beautiful message and wondrous knowledge of Islam: we are then the better able share our renewed enthusiasm with others.
This lays the foundation on which greater understanding can be built and learning enriched as young students grow older. And, whatever our age, reviewing the basics in this way can be very beneficial, in that it re-kindles our awareness and glad acceptance of the beautiful message and wondrous knowledge of Islam: we are then the better able share our renewed enthusiasm with others.